The East, Central and Southern Africa College of Physicians


ECSACOP offers a new postgraduate medical qualification in Internal Medicine, for the region.

Accredited Instituations

ECSACOP offers a new postgraduate medical qualification in Internal Medicine, for the region.


ECSACOP offers a new postgraduate medical qualification in Internal Medicine, for the region.

Africa has


Of the world’s disease burden


Of the world’s doctor population


Of the world’s financial resources for health


ECSACOP is a regional college (currently comprising Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe) that seeks to contribute to the resolution of manpower shortages of physicians.

ECSACOP is responding to the variations in postgraduate training structure and content within the region. The College has developed a new internal medicine curriculum that encompasses the skills and characteristics physicians need to care for the health of their communities. The training curriculum will be delivered through an in-service, apprenticeship model in existing health facilities.

Through this approach, ECSACOP will harmonise internal medicine training across the region, establishing regional standards and ultimately improving health outcomes for countless patients.

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