Located: 2nd Floor IDI-McKinnell Knowledge Centre, Makerere University Tel: +256 312 211 422 Email: info@ecsacop.org
The East, Central and Southern Africa College of Physicians (ECSACOP)
The six countries have a population of approximately 250 million inhabitants, with only about 1,000 Internal Medicine specialists. The statistics give a Ratio of 1 physician to 250,000 inhabitants, against the WHO recommendation of 1:1000.
The College was officially inaugurated in 2015, and training commenced in 2018. The College has successfully held eight Scientific and Annual General Meetings since 2016.
It is instructive to note that the few physicians in the ECSACOP region practice mainly in urban centers. The Ethos of ECSACOP is to train physicians close to where they reside, discouraging the migration of young doctors seeking training in traditional urban-based universities and not returning to practice in their rural homes.
The College awards Fellowships through instruction and examinations. Enrolled trainees participate in full-time teaching at approved training institutions. The training sites undergo a rigorous accreditation process conducted by the Accreditation Committee. There were three accredited training sites in the 2018-2019 academic year, and five years later, 2023-2024 academic year, there are 19 accredited training sites. The first cohort of 14 trainees was enrolled in 2018, and the 2023-2024 academic year has a total trainee population of 128 in all the five countries that have commenced training. Tanzania is yet to join. The College is gradually increasing accredited training sites and trainees in line with available resources and maintaining quality training. The training curriculum is delivered through an in-service apprenticeship model in appropriately accredited healthcare facilities. Through this approach, the College strives to harmonize Internal Medicine training across the five countries already training.
The college website provides a robust teaching-instruction format, including the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). In resource-restrained regions like ours, having one training institution with all sub-specialty disciplines in internal medicine, a prerequisite for ideal post-graduate training, is impossible. Faculty is sourced from various sub-specialists from the ECSACOP region, the Royal College of Physicians, and physicians in the diaspora. The College, therefore, appropriately bridges the sub-specialty deficit gap through its adopted Modular learning program.
The College has had two cohorts of graduands; five graduated at Lilongwe Malawi in 2022, and the second cohort of ten graduands was at Victoria Falls Zimbabwe on 1 September 2023
East Central Southern Africa College of Physicians (ECSACOP) plans to engage in collaborative research with other colleges and physician associations within and beyond. Collaboration has already started with the RCP London, West African College of Physicians. The College intends to participate in various healthcare activities, developing clinical guidelines and spearheading regional sub-specialty training.
President ECSACOP