
Registration for the 2020 Academic Year IS open.

Registration is open to all Physicians practising at ECSACOP accredited sites within the ECSACOP member countries

Application process:

  1. Pay registration fee in the amount of USD 50 to the ECSACOP account. Find account details here.
  2. Submit your proof of payment to the ECSACOP Secretariat through
  3. Use this link to submit your application and the required pre-requites.
  4. The pre-requisites include (Maximum size of upload is 10 MBS):

MBChB or MBBS degree


    • Completion of internship training and post service internship as required by the in country regulatory body


    • Registration with the Medical Council
      Valid Annual Practicing License


    • Certificate of Good Standing


    • Evidence of current employment at ECSACOP training site


  • Letter of support from resident ECSACOP Clinical supervisors
For more information, please contact​