Members and Fellow Categories

Founding Fellow

Any internal medicine physician registered as a specialist with a medical regulatory authority in the region shall be eligible to be a Founding Fellow (until such time as ECSACOP’s first set of examinations occurs)

Ordinary Fellow

Any person trained as Internal Medicine specialist and who is certified by the College through its examination shall be eligible for Fellowship in the College.

Associate Fellow

An Associate Fellow shall be any registered Physician from outside the Region. They shall apply to Council for fellowship.

Honorary Fellow

An Honorary Fellow shall be any individual who has made substantial contributions to advancement of the mission and vision of the College. They need not be physicians. They shall be propsed by two College Fellows for consideration by the Council.

Corporate Member

A corporate member shall be any institution, organisation or business community of good standing and demeanor with an interest in internal medicine.

Ordinary Member

An ordinary member shall be any person currently enrolled in postgraduate training in internal medicine at the College